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Harley’s Hope Foundation August 2016 Newsletter
Blu is a 6 year old Staffordshire Terrier who underwent surgery recently for an aural hematoma, which is a pool of blood and fluid that gets trapped between the skin and cartilage in the ear. They are quite painful and, if left untreated, can result in permanent deformation of the ear itself. Mom, Joanna, is a single parent who works, but struggles to make ends meet and needed help funding the procedure. She and Blu received that help from HHF and the Killimunati Fund. We hope this big boy is feeling better soon!
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Thank You!

As always, we wish to thank the amazing individuals, foundations, and businesses that help support our work.

Thank you for keeping
pets and their people together.
Happy Tales
We hope you have liked our Facebook page so you can read all about the cases your support makes possible.  In case you haven’t, we’d like to share a couple cases that really grabbed our heartstrings.
An Ounce of Prevention
Did you know that heartworm has been found in all 50 states regardless of climate and can affect a number of species including dogs, cats, ferrets, coyotes, and, in rare cases, humans? According to the American Heartworm Society (AHS), "Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets in the United States and many other parts of the world. It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in the body."
"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."                      
- James Herriot
CO Kitty Pot

Buy 100% organic catnip and more for your feline friend and the proceeds benefit Harley's Hope Foundation!

To read about the animals we've helped, please visit our Facebook & Twitter pages.
It's not uncommon for cats to be dumped in Black Forest, and we've humanely trapped several that we've turned over to Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctuary to adopt out. But this situation took a different turn when one of those cats gave birth to 5 kittens in what's left of our greenhouse, just behind the Harley's Hope office building. The structure was damaged in the 2013 Black Forest Wildfire, so mama, who we're calling Cleo, got inside and gave birth. We discovered the family when the babies were about 2 weeks old. Once she knew her hiding place was compromised, Cleo moved the kittens. Fortunately, we observed her taking them from the greenhouse and burrowing under another outbuilding.

The only way to keep everyone safe was to build an enclosure over the end where she had burrowed and provide mama with fresh food and water so she could nurse her brood. After about a week, we cut a hole in the floor inside the building and began placing food and water inside. It was our hope that Cleo would eventually move her family inside and she did, but then everyone ran back under the building when we walked in to feed them! After several weeks of this behavior, and knowing we had limited opportunity to socialize the kittens, we pulled up the floor boards and caught the entire family.

It's been a difficult journey for this family and Cleo still needs a lot more socializing before we can move her or adopt her out, but the kittens are doing well and ready to find homes. The three tabbies are females and the two black kittens are males. If you're interested in adding to your family, please contact our friends at Wild Blue Animal Rescue or complete the online application to be pre-approved at

This insidious disease used to be thought of as "humid" climate problem since it is carried by mosquitoes, but with the proliferation of animals being transported across state lines, climate changes, and other factors, it has become an issue everywhere.  In fact, following Hurricane Katrina, 250,000 domestic animals were adopted out and shipped around the country.  Many of them were infected with heartworm, spreading it to the communities to which they were transported.

The good news is there is treatment, but it can be costly and not always successful.  Your best bet to protect your pets is heartworm prevention medicine and annual testing.  The AHS lists the signs of heartworm in dogs as "a mild persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue after moderate activity, decreased appetite, and weight loss. As heartworm disease progresses, pets may develop heart failure and the appearance of a swollen belly due to excess fluid in the abdomen."  If left untreated, heartworm disease can prove fatal.

For our feline friends, the AHS states, "Signs of heartworm disease in cats can be very subtle or very dramatic. Symptoms may include coughing, asthma-like attacks, periodic vomiting, lack of appetite, or weight loss. Occasionally an affected cat may have difficulty walking, experience fainting or seizures, or suffer from fluid accumulation in the abdomen. Unfortunately, the first sign in some cases is sudden collapse of the cat, or sudden death."

Heartworm prevention can be started in puppies as young as 6 to 8 weeks of age.  For kittens, it is recommended that they begin treatment before they reach 9 weeks of age.  As always, consult with your veterinary professional who is invested in your animals' well-being and is familiar with their overall health.

For additional information and frequently asked questions regarding heartworm, visit or the following articles -
Roundup Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency with a mission to serve children and adults who have developmental disabilities by recognizing their worth, affirming their contributions, and promoting dignity in all relationships.  Roundup’s Community Connections program provides opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities to get involved in their community, meet peers and make friends.  Activities in the program focus on adult learning, volunteer opportunities and community connecting. 

Skye Rust, Roundup’s Community Connections Director, found Harley’s Hope through and organizes 3-5 people every Tuesday to pack Colorado Kitty Pot in the Black Forest office.  By packing an average of 150 bags per week, Roundup’s generosity of time and effort helps Harley’s Hope fulfill a monthly retail order of Colorado Kitty Pot.  Without their weekly help, it would be extremely difficult to fulfill these orders! 

For more information about Roundup Fellowship and how to connect, visit its website at

If your, or your child’s, employer, school, church or community group is looking for volunteer opportunities or offers a volunteer program - please contact us to schedule flexible packing times. 

We could not do what we do without volunteers!
We rely on volunteers to drive fundraising efforts, and are in constant need of their assistance.  Below is a list of volunteer needs - can you help in one of these areas?  Please let us know via phone, fax or email to  Individuals, social/community and work groups are all welcome for one-time, weekly or monthly help!
Volunteer Spotlight
• Colorado Kitty Pot labeling and packing. Packing is held in Black Forest three times a week, every week. 
• Volunteer Coordinator-scheduling & tracking volunteers
• Grant Writer-find, research & respond to grants
• Short-term pet foster care
• Contact & negotiate discounts with boarding facilities & client response
• Constant Contact- assist editor with e-newsletter and volunteer communications
• Research distribution channels for Colorado Kitty Pot and salsas
Archive Newsletters

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Spring 2015