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Harley’s Hope Foundation November 2016 Newsletter
Schatzie is an 8 year old Schnauzer mix that tried jumping on her person's bed and fell to the ground. Mary is a senior who is wheelchair-bound and adores her little dog. She does provide routine care, but wasn't prepared for an emergency.

Her neighbor was familiar with HHF and called to see if we could help. The good news? It's not a fracture. The bad news is Schatzie tore her cruciate ligament. And, even better news is that Schatzie underwent surgery last month to repair the tear.

HHF helped Schatzie get seen by her mom, Mary's, veterinarian, and we're committed to purchasing a leg brace. Happily, one of the doctors in the clinic offered to do the surgery pro-bono, so we helped with additional pre-surgical care instead. We're so glad that Schatzie got this wonderful opportunity and are very grateful to the veterinarian for his generosity. Now, Mary will need to figure out how to keep Schatzie from jumping on the bed so that leg can heal up!
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As always, we wish to thank the amazing individuals, foundations, and businesses that help support our work.

Happy Tales
We hope you have liked our Facebook page so you can read all about the cases your support makes possible.  In case you haven’t, we’d like to share a couple cases that really grabbed our heartstrings.
"Animals have hearts that feel, eyes that see, and families to care for ...
just like you and me."                      
- Anthony D. Williams
Consider picking up some Colorado Kitty Pot - our all natural catnip that helps fund our programs.

CLICK HERE to check out our products!
To read about the animals we've helped, please visit our Facebook & Twitter pages.
The holidays are exciting times for most humans - the decorations, rich holiday foods, ornaments on the tree, presents, music, and parties!  But, don’t forget that the holidays also offer special hazards to your beloved furry family members.

According to, the top five holiday hazards for pets are:

1. Chocolate
2. Alcohol
3. Grapes and Raisins
4. Medications
5. Tinsel
Do you Know What Holiday Hazards to Look for?
Mary is pictured here taking Schatzie home after the procedure.
Sure, you may be very careful throughout the year, but holiday visitors and guests may not be as informed or careful as you.  Take precautions to keep the first four items out of reach of your pets and we recommend wooden beads in lieu of tinsel when decorating your tree.  Placing your more fragile ornaments out of reach of your pets may also prevent broken heirlooms and injured animals.

Don’t forget about stress.  You may enjoy having company stay at your home, but if your pets are skittish around strangers, make sure they have a safe place to hang out when the holiday bustle gets to be too much.  For cats, it may be access to a quiet room where they can hide.  For dogs who are crate trained, keeping the crate in a familiar, quiet area will help.  Keep an eye on younger guests who may not close the door all the way or don’t realize that kitty isn’t allowed outside or that your pup must always be on a leash. Also, keep their daily routines for feeding, walking, and playtime. 

Don’t let a pet emergency ruin the holidays for you and your pet.  Make sure your holiday home is pet-proofed and that you have pet-appropriate treats on hand!  Happy Holidays!
It's that time of year again - giving season - and many donors have come to dread the number of fundraising appeals they'll receive.  I understand that and sympathize, since I also receive those requests and phone calls.  However, as the director of a small, public charity, I, too, must ask for support of my organization - Harley's Hope Foundation.  Public charities, that function under IRS Code 501(c)(3), must show proof that the overwhelming majority of support comes from you, the public.  Otherwise, they can endanger their tax-exempt status.  Public support can take many forms - individual donations, corporate support in the form of non-cash, in-kind donations, foundations that provide grants, event fees and revenue, and campaigns that are increasingly popular with donors.  Harley's Hope Foundation participates in two such campaigns - Indy Give! and Colorado Gives Day.
Director's Notes
Indy Give! begins on November 1 and runs through midnight on New Year's Eve.  Last year, we raised $15,000 in much-needed support and are hoping to meet, if not succeed, that amount again this year.  This Pikes Peak Region campaign focuses on smaller, local charities that must apply and be vetted prior to participating; 72 were chosen this year.  All chosen nonprofits must guarantee that any funds raised will be used in this region. Organizations are then divided into giving categories.  HHF is in the Animals category and our giving link is  Donations are typically made online with the smallest gift accepted being $10.  To put that into perspective, the minimum gift is roughly the equivalent of a cup of coffee and a scone at Starbucks.  Would you be willing to forego that treat for one day and help support our mission? 

Colorado Gives Day is an effort of the Community First Foundation.  This year, Colorado Gives Day falls on Tuesday, December 6th, which is nationally recognized as the Day of Giving.  This campaign features more than 1,800 charities across the state of Colorado and donors may pull up organizations based on their area of interest.  Donations are made online and charities receive pledged funds before the end of this fiscal year.  The campaign includes contests and a $1 million incentive fund, but focuses on the fact that this is a one day only campaign.  You may pre-schedule your gift beginning on November 1, but it will not "drop" until December 6th.  Our link is

Whether you choose to give via a campaign, donate on our website,, or by mailing us a check, your gift has the capacity to help us save lives and relationships.  So far this year, HHF has provided assistance to 75 individual animals with issues ranging from trauma, cancer, foreign objects that needed to be removed, to animals in need of emergency housing while their humans sought affordable rent, jobs, or needed time to recover from illness or injury.  An additional 130 animals received services via our annual pet health fair, and, as of this writing, we have another low cost vaccine/microchip clinic scheduled for November 19th.  All in all, well over 2,000 animals in need have been assisted through HHF's safety net programs, all thanks to you, our supporters.

Please don't think that your gift won't be big enough to have an impact or that someone else will give to us.  2016 has been a challenging year for many nonprofits, HHF included.  Every gift we receive does make a difference and is greatly appreciated by everyone at HHF, as well as by our clients.

Happy Holidays to you all and here's hoping for fewer animals in need in 2017, and thank you in advance for your support!

Cynthia Bullock, CFRE
Executive Director/Founder

Need a Holiday Gift?
Warm Thanks to our Supporters!

Our Upcoming Events
Indy Give!

Nov 1st to Dec 31st
We are proud to be one of the 72 local charities that was vetted and will be a part of this Pikes Peak Region 2016 campaign!

Check Donation Page
Deck the Mall

Nov 5th
We will be bringing homemade goodies to this event which will already have live entertainment and free hot chocolate.

Colorado Gives Day

Nov 1st to Dec 6th
This year Colorado Gives Day falls on the national day of giving, but donation gifts will be accepted as early as Nov 1st!

Check Donation Page
Because We Care
Pet Clinic

Nov 19th
To help foster responsible pet care, we will be hosting a low-cost vaccination and microchip clinic.

Thank you for keeping
pets and their people together.
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